ABC Smog and Auto Repair

Happy April to our ABC Smog and Auto Repair community!

We honestly can’t believe that April is already upon us, and spring is here! With spring’s beginning, we often associate it with the dreaded spring cleaning, cleaning out the garage, closets, you name it, the cleaning time is now. But during this time, we often forget to take the time to clean out our vehicles. A vehicle goes through a lot of muck for us in the winter times- snow, ice, de-icer, dirt, you name it, it’s probably stuck to your vehicle. Then think about all that transpiring into your interior crevasses. Our team presents our top five tips for an excellent spring cleaning! 

Floor Mat Beautification 

The obvious clean with floor mats is to hose yours off if they are made with rubber. A little dawn dish soap goes a long way! Many people also vacuum and clean the cloth mats under the rubber mats. But what we often forget is to lift the carpet mats completely and vacuum. This is a shame because it is the final resting place for all the dirt and debris. If you’ve never raised the cloth floor mats in your car before, it’s your time to shine. You’ll be shocked and surprised by what you discover under there! 

(A small bristle paintbrush is often perfect for getting deep in the tiny corners of your dash and console. Take the time to use the correct cleaner for each surface, especially if you have leather trim.) 

Remove Your Lint 

One’s dashboards can accumulate a lot of dust & dead skin buildup, especially if you don’t wipe it down regularly or if your vehicle gets a lot of sunlight. Any easy fix for this dust? It’s something most Americans have in their kitchen-a coffee filter! Most coffee filters are made with lint-free features so that dust will stick easily to them. Use one to clean all parts of your car.

Headlights and Taillights

Cloudy vision? This is something no driver needs. There are very few surface areas son your vehicle that get as dirty as your lights! By the time spring rolls around, the headlights and taillights on most cars are pretty filthy and foggy. Many drivers only begin to care about their lights when they get water damage or burnout. Headlights and taillights are essential in terms of visibility at night and safety. When you properly take care of your lights, your range of the light- resulting in other motorists and pedestrians able to see you coming from a distance, and you will see them better too- a win-win. 

What’s in that Trunk? 

There’s nothing more scary or random than the trunk of a vehicle. And in the winter months, even more, randomness gets thrown back there. Ice scrapers and snow brushes to empty fluid bottles and old blankets it’s endless. Please take this as the motivation to clean your vehicle now! Make space for new things in the trunk (spring/summer items) & don’t forget to vacuum. 

Windex is Your Friend

It’s essential to clean your side mirrors and the rearview mirror. And for this, we turn to Windex. A Windex spray and a wipe with some paper towel or cloth, and Voila! Suddenly you can see what’s behind you when driving. 

Going above and beyond 

Are you stuck on a gift idea for a coworker or a friend? Why not give the gift of a clean and detailed vehicle? Now that’s a gift we could all use. There is nothing more satisfying than to climb into your ride and breathe deeply surrounded by a freshly cleaned vehicle. 

Other Spring Cleaning Tips 

  • Grab a new air freshener for your vehicle! 
  • Sprinkling baking soda on your car seats can help improve the smell of your car 
  • Support a local carwash (or go through one for a fast exterior cleaning 
  • Keep simple car wipes in your trunk or backseat for a quick freshen-up! 

We hope you’ve gained some inspiration to deep clean your vehicle this April! The ABC Smog and Auto Repair team is committed to taking every step to care for your car and prevent unforeseen damages by following factory-recommended repairs and services, including fluid changes. Our knowledgeable technicians care and want to keep you on the road without experiencing any hassles or inconveniences. Turn to the experts at ABC Smog and Auto Repair, schedule an appointment today! We are located at 40851 Albrae Street, Fremont, California 94538.

We Will Be Closed Until May 6th due to the birth of our baby.