ABC Smog and Auto Repair

Summer Heat Can And Will Affect Your Vehicle: How to Prevent Damages

Car owners depend on reliability among the changing seasons, whether it’s winter snow or summer heat. When it comes to these extreme changes in weather, vehicles also rely on the upkeep owners provide to ensure lasting performance. Shifting temperatures can negatively impact your vehicles, but especially in the summer months. To prevent these unforeseen damages, ABC Smog and Auto Repair in Fremont, California, can provide you with factory-recommended repairs and services to get your vehicle safely through the torching summer days.


Car Batteries 

High temperatures affect a car’s internal power-generating chemistry, which can be detrimental to your car’s battery life. Reports show that vehicle batteries are much more likely to malfunction in the summer than at any other time. Hotter temperatures can cause battery fluid to evaporate faster, so staying on top of your battery’s maintenance is the best bet to avoid unexpected breakdowns. At ABC Smog, we are more than happy to check up on or even replace batteries if you run into this problem.


Your Vehicle’s Oil

 Changing oil is more critical than ever in the heat as your vehicle’s engine needs all the lubrication it can get. A hot engine will need more lubrication than in the colder months, and it’s vital to change the oil at regular intervals to prolong the life of your vehicle. Especially given all the extra miles many people put on their cars during summer road trips, this may mean more frequent changes. We provide the necessary oil and fluid changes/filters services at ABC smog to ensure your engine is ready for those long summer road trips.


Coolant & A/C

Vehicles surprisingly run better in the colder months due to cold air being denser than hot air; denseness allows your vehicle to intake more oxygen and maintain a higher horsepower. Then add in the essential air conditioning in the hot summer months, and it takes a toll on your vehicle’s performance. The A/C relies on power from the engine to keep your cabin cool. With the heat already impacting some critical parts of your engine, such as your transmission, it’s essential to be efficient and mindful of your A/C usage. One way to help is to be checking in on your air filters; by keeping a fresh filter in, you’re eliminating extra work that your vehicle would need to produce when you have the A/C going. Not only will you be aiding your vital A/C system, but you’ll be creating better air for your lungs, removing extra odors from the vehicle, and eliminating any pollutants that have built up over time in your old air filter.



Given all the fantastic summer road trips you are planning to embark upon, you won’t get very far with a flat tire. By swinging by ABC Smog and Auto Repair to have your tire pressure checked a couple of times during the hottest months, you’re doing one of the most important things for your vehicle. Imagine the heat created by your hot tires on hot pavement, it is a recipe for disaster, but nothing a solid set of tires can handle. By checking your tires, you can help prevent hazardous situations and ensure safety for yourself and everyone on the road. 


Given that the hottest months are upon us, it’s time to get your vehicle properly inspected! Your vehicle’s needs (and they have many in the summer) are our top priority. Call us today to speak to Lucky or Annabel so we can get your vehicle in. The ABC Smog and Auto Repair team is committed to taking every step to care for your car and prevent unforeseen damages by following factory-recommended repairs and services, including fluid changes. Our knowledgeable technicians care and want to keep you on the road without experiencing any hassles or inconveniences. 

Turn to the experts at ABC Smog and Auto Repair, schedule an appointment today! We are located at 40851 Albrae Street, Fremont, California 94538.