ABC Smog and Auto Repair

Check Engine Light - Why preventive maintenance is vital to your car's health

Happy March from our team at ABC Smog & Auto Repair! Our team is proud to present this informative blog for March regarding preventative maintenance & what that little orange/yellow light on your engine can mean. When you see your check engine light come on, it can cause a lot of stress for drivers. We all know how PESKY this check engine light can be! Will it cost $50 to fix it? $600? More? Just that tiny illumination can strike fear, uncertainty, and doubt into the hearts of vehicle owners! Well, not anymore – not when you trust the expert team of auto mechanics, Lucky and Annabel, to take care of your check engine light and other preventative maintenance services!


What Does the Check Engine Light Mean? 

Check engine lights can be daunting. This could indicate something as simple as your fuel cap needs to be adequately secured, or you’re due for an oil change! A check engine light can also mean something as critical as an overheating engine issue or power loss, resulting in a problematic situation. But if your check engine light is flashing, it is an indication that something is urgently wrong and should be addressed right away. Even if everything in your vehicle seems to be performing well, it’s never a good idea to ignore your check engine light. Something is wrong, and it’s likely to get worse (and more expensive.)


One way to ensure you don’t feel stressed from the blinking yellow/orange light is to keep up on your vehicle’s preventative maintenance! Preventive maintenance of your car means continuously keeping up with regular and routine maintenance checks with a trusted technician to keep your car stays in prime shape. So what are the benefits? 


Benefits of Preventative Maintenance 

Extending The Lifespan of Your Vehicle

Purchasing a vehicle is not something we do lightly. It is an expensive purchase that will hopefully last you for many years. Preventative maintenance keeps your car running for many more years than one that never gets maintained. Preventive maintenance keeps the internal equipment and machines in optimal condition since normal wear and tear will lower efficiency. 


Spots Problems Early 

Imagine if you knew there was going to be a flood. Imagine you learned a week in advance & were able to secure yourself to safety when it hit. That would be a much better situation than being hit with a flash flood with no warning. We can take this same metaphor & use it to explain preventative maintenance benefits! Preventive maintenance can help your trained auto mechanic team spot problems early & alert you with plenty of time before situations worsen. Often you may choose to ignore this light & think nothing will go wrong with your vehicle. Unfortunately, if you decide to do this, it will be more extensive (and more expensive.) With preventive maintenance service with the auto repair experts at ABC Smog, we will spot those minor problems early and decrease any potential stress for you in the future.


Saves You Money

Going along with catching problems early, you will be saving your wallet. We all know auto repairs can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. By paying a small price for preventive maintenance now, you can save yourself a sizeable amount of money in the future.


Saves You Time

If an unexpected breakdown occurs, it will throw off your day, possibly even your week. Nothing is more valuable than your time & it could take weeks for an auto repair to be finished. Preventative maintenance is the solution to avoiding this. The best part is this preventive service only takes a couple of hours to give your vehicle a complete maintenance inspection. These services will keep your car in top shape to save you time every season. 


Maintaining Your Safety

Everyone who sits in your vehicle is dependent on you & how well you maintain your vehicle. Having a well-maintained and safe vehicle ensures your safety & everyone else on the road. Keeping up with preventive maintenance services decreases your risk of mechanical failures. Failures can put you and your family in potentially dangerous or deathly situations. Preventative maintenance can help keep you and your family out of emergencies and give you peace of mind as you drive. 

Our customers, who reside in Union City, Fremont, Newark, and Hayward, trust ABC Smog and Auto Repair for all of their auto repair servicing needs, including your check engine light or any other preventative maintenance services! Our skilled auto mechanics are trustworthy, and you will never regret bringing your car to us, as your happiness is our TOP priority! Our knowledgeable technicians care, and we want to keep you on the road without experiencing any hassles or inconveniences. This is why you should turn to the ABC Smog and Auto Repair experts, so schedule an appointment today!. We are located at 40851 Albrae Street, Fremont, California, 94538. Your vehicle’s needs are our top priority. Call us today to speak to Lucky or Annabel. You will be glad you did!

We Will Be Closed Until May 6th due to the birth of our baby.